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Planning Conference on the Conduct of Activities Relative to the 2023 Filipino Values

The month of November was declared as "Filipino Values Month as stipulated in Proclamation No. 479, dated October 7, 1994. The celebration is intended to create moral awakening and national consciousness on human values that are unique, genuine, and positively Filipino. In line with this, SDO I Pangasinan through the Curriculum Implementation Division (CID) will conduct a Division Planning Conference on the Conduct of Activities Relative to the 2023 Filipino Values Month Celebration on November 9, 2023, 8:30 a.m. at the SDO I Conference Hall located at the 3rd Floor Building 1.

Participants to this activity are the designated EsP School Head In-Charge (1 for the Elementary and 1 for the Secondary).

The following members of the Division EsP Core Team are also requested to attend the conference:

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